It's hard to say what the next biggest technological advancement in computer science will be since there is so much development in so many areas. In the area of wireless networking, I look forward to the day that I can drive to the mall and find out if they have the item I'm looking for without ever getting out of my car (for the stores that don't already have a "check in stores" feature, that is) and find out about the sales going on at the stores. Sounds totally girly, I know, but I don't really like to shop so when I do, I want to know I'll find what I need fast.
If I could travel back in time, I'd go convince Walt Disney to keep the name, Mortimer Mouse, for his character rather than changing it to Mickey Mouse. Maybe then the name, Mortimer, wouldn't make me think of some cranky old guy I knew as a child.
My favorite style of mustache is no mustache. I don't know why. I've never had to really think about it. If I could be fluent in any language, I'd like to be fluent in Latin. Then maybe I would have a better chance at acing the verbal section of the GRE with all those English words no one ever uses.
Any interesting fact about me: I got engaged to the best guy in the world on our 8 year anniversary, and we're getting married on our 10 year anniversary.
email: cynthia(dot)skach(at)gmail(dot)com
hi nice bio, where can i get EverybodyLovesSketch sofatware??