Sunday, February 20, 2011

Book Reading #27: Emotional Design

Chapter 2
The second chapter discusses how the different levels of processing work within a design and how they work with and against each other. As stated in the chapter, visceral design is about the initial impact of the product, behavioral about the use and experience, and reflective about understanding, reasoning and interpreting.

Norman also discusses the importance of memories, how objects evoke memories and how these memories reflect us. He concludes the chapter by discussing the design of products when taking the three levels of processing into account. He discusses the goals of a product, its fashion and how brands are informative.

This chapter builds on the last chapter, focusing on the memories a product can evoke in a person and how one must take the appearance, use and evoked memories of a product into account while designing it. I thought the Xbox advertisement was funny, and I enjoyed the way Norman analyzed it.

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